Space Quantization, Problems and Gravity

Manish Bhusal
6 min readJun 24, 2018


For every human being to animal or plants that live on this planet earth, is well familiar with the force of gravity. The force of gravity shapes our everyday life and everything we do from walking to running to playing soccer, gravity somewhere has a role to play. It is thus essential to learn how and where did the force of gravity started and contributions from great human minds in search of it .

When we push or pull each other we exert a force. The force is mutual and both persons who is exerted and who exert the force feel it. This concept of force was put forward by the Great Isaac Newton. His theory of classical mechanics deals with the mechanics of forces in practice. As of great coincidence the famous story of apple which everyone has heard, “while he was sitting under a tree in the Cambridge University, an apple fell in his head and he asked himself why did the apple fell towards the earth and not the moon is falling.’

Newton’s equations of Gravity

Physics is based on these kind of basic intuitions that derive towards a surge of thoughts as why something would happen in this or that way. The apple falling towards the earth made Newton think that Earth must exert some kind of pulling force towards apple that made it fall towards the earth. He called this the force of gravity.

His mathematical formulations of the force of gravity depended on two masses that acted towards each other via the force of gravity. The force depended on the product of masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating their centre of the masses. He also introduced the Gravitational constant G that showed that the gravity is a weak force. The body with the larger mass would thus exert larger force on the body with smaller mass. The movement of the planets would now be described by this formulations for the equations of gravity.

This idea of gravity put forward by Newton stood for around 200 years until new radical concept of gravity was put forward by Albert Einstein. Newton’s idea of gravity was solely dependent on the masses of two bodies and distance between them and takes space into no consideration. Einstein on the other hand changed the whole concept of space itself . He in his General theory of Relativity introduced space as a fabric that is malleable and would curve due to mass. The heavier the mass the more the stretch on the space that would create a deformation on the space and would lead the smaller masses to revolve around the larger mass. The concept of force of gravity thus dependent on the curvature of space deformed by the mass acting on it. The equations put forward by Einstein thus would describe the force as “ Mass tells space to curve around it and the curved space around the mass tells the mass how to move around it.”

Einstein’s Field equations without the Astronomical Constant term

These two concepts of Gravity still are in use today and are both equally important. The Newtons equations are simple for using while the complicated Einstein’s equations deal with other elements of the Universe like black holes and dark energy. The discovery of these elements that deal with high masses seemed first would be unexplainable interms of the weak gravitational forces. But the Einstein’s equations had answers for all of them even before they were discovered.

The standard model of Physics today deals with the forces of nature and the particles that intermediate the forces. Every force has a force carrying particle and thus gravity has a force carrying particle called graviton. This was the requirement of Quantum mechanics as well that a force carrying particle would describe gravity quantum mechanically.

Even so, the experimental evidence of the graviton has not been found yet. The major problem of todays physics in bringing all fundamental forces together to a single equation requires quantum mechanics to put forward the graviton as a force carrier but no solid evidence has yet been found nor this attempt has proved vital in unifying the forces.

If not experimentally, let’s say theoretically it is hard to explain the long range of the weak gravitational force. How will this graviton interact with the space or how these particles are created during the interaction of the masses remains a puzzle.

In the string theory formulation, graviton is taken as a one of the vibrational forms of string to describe the interaction quantum mechanically. But still the origin and interaction of the particles in the space medium is hard to formulate. The other basic problem is that space is itself an entity and has its own properties thus interaction of the gravitons with space will have to be considered as well.

One basic idea will be to break the space itself into some fundamental particles. Let us say that space is also made of particles that interact with the mass. These fundamental particles will be acting on a field of space called the space field. The interaction of these particles with the mass thus creating a disturbance on the space field which inturn characterizes the structure of the space. Here under these assumptions it is easy to add the particles interactions more easily. The basic problems that may arise due to these assumptions:

1. Interactions will have to be considered among many unknown number of gravitons.

2. The Volume of the total interacting space will have to be considered which will leave the interactions from the space outside the volume to be not considered.

3. The nature and characters of the gravitons are still unclassified that establishes a problem in formulating the interactions with space particle.

4. The Space particle will also need a lot of work of research and formulations.

Physics is not devoid of problems. The main problem is time itself as how long will it take to rectify the problem. As of the above proposition , the interactions seem feasible on terms of particle interacting with particle. The space particles interacting with the graviton particles in the force field of space resulting in the attractive force of gravity. Further additions in the theory may require mass interactions with the space field.

However easy it might sound to put forward the ideas it is equally hard to formulate the whole concept behind this and the mathematics involved in it.

The basic required set of information is very limited whether it may be the case of graviton or the space. The properties are very much limited and hard to modify as they shape the fundamentals of what we see around us. The properties of space as we know are only flexible to the limit as the space itself permits and cannot be bend on the basis of the mathematics to account for other particles to interact with itself.

Graviton as a concept is a requirement of the standard of model of physics to describe the force in terms of particle interactions as do the other forces in the standard model. So the existence of it may be less doubted than the proposed space particle. But the problem here rising is that is space quantised? If we could suppose space made of fundamental particles then it is obvious that it should be described in terms of the quantization principles.

How a mass bends space around it

The quantization would require the space field to be quantized itself. But it is not the daily case. As we already told that space permits itself the limits and we cannot interfere with it. So, the quantization would further require the limits of quantum mechanics to be pushed of. Further the description of the many body interactions in such conditions would be rather difficult.

Whatever may be the case, these are ideas and ideas arise from problems and require a search for solution. The present idea of graviton is also not devoid of the problems of quantum mechanics. To my concept the present idea of the gravity and graviton interaction also requires the space quantization first before anything could be made sense physically. But how will be this quantization possible is the real question?



Manish Bhusal

Physics enthusiast, Admirer of nature and how physics describe the fundamentals of nature